Tuesday, January 27, 2009

^-^ Away to Egypt....

InsyaAllah i'll be away to Egypt this coming tuesday, hope to pick up valuable pearls throughout the journey and could update my blog daily, keep updated!!!!!

As today's forecast, the climate would be around 20-25 Celsius during the day while during the night is about 11-12 celsius. should be freezing though!!!! Pray for our (my family n I) safe journey home by 2 February, got to skip classes for 4 days. Wah, a new personal record....!!!


Mohd Eqwan Bin Mohd Roslan said...
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Mohd Eqwan Bin Mohd Roslan said...

baem...bawak balek buah tangan tu...hehe

Abu Yasir said...

Huhu, tgn dah ada, tinggal cari buahnye je. Nta nak buah apa? kurma?

Umar Abdul Rashid said...

Jgn lupa baraka

Anonymous said...

org nk ikut....

Anonymous said...

baem, ana tak nak anta bawa balik buah tangan, tapi nk anta bawa balik zaujah.. hihi

Abu Yasir said...

enta ni zaid, kat cni ramai apa kejadah nk bwk dr sana. Atau anta nak ana carikan utk anta sebenarny?

Anonymous said...

huh. takde nk minta nta bw dari sana. ana kn cm 'unwanted ikhwah utk di kahwini'.. hihi..