Saturday, February 28, 2009

>> Scholarship Briefing..<<

Sebahagian peserta mendengar taklimat

Alhamdulillah, semalam (27 Februari 2009) telah selesai satu progam yg bergelar 'Scholarship briefing'. Memang niat ku untuk membuka ruang dan mencipta peluang yg saksama kepada semua yang layak untuk memohon biasiswa tersebut, dan kerana itulah aku sanggup utk melaksanakan tugas ini. Menerima biasiswa drpd Sime Darby menyebabkan aku insaf dan atas dasar syukur kepada Allah taala, aku berusaha agar org lain turut berpeluang menerima biasiswa.

Barisan VIP

Penganjur bersama, Persatuan Belia Islam Nasional (PEMBINA) dengan Economics & Management Student Society (EMSS) telah menjayakan program ini. Dengan kehadiran wakil drpd Bank Negara (BNM) dan JPA, pembentangan turut dimeriahkan dengan wakil student bagi on behalf of Sime Darby, Petronas dan PNB. Penganjur juga telah menjemput tetamu khas ust Siti Aishah (wakil PEMBINA) dan Mdm Putri. Seramai 230 peserta berkongsi maklumat dan manfaat drpd program ini.....

Banyak yg dibincangkan sewaktu minum bersama tetamu undangan

Berdasarkan pengalaman
Based on my observation, most of our student are not allert with the scholarship. That's why we come out with this program-to create awareness and provide equal access to the scholarship. During my group assessment when attending (Yayasan Sime Darby) YSD Scholarship, it seems that chinese are more keen to seek for this kind of financial assistance while the malays feel confortable and secured with their PTPTN loan. As if they didnt notice the privilages and advantages of having scholarship. This is where my concern come from. should malays ignore the scholarship while chinese eager to seek for it? What a loss.... rugi2....

Inisiatif penulis membentangkan bagi pihak Yayasan Sime Darby

If the malays still dont apply for scholarship especially the one that is offered by big companies and private sectors than it will all go tp chinese so now where goes the 'hak bumiputra' or 'ketuanan melayu' when something should be ours and we dont even fight for it......


Anonymous said...

bagus program2 camni.. kadang2 orang xtau pun wujudnya scholarship ni.

teruskan, abg sk! ..oops.. abg baem =D

Abu Yasir said...

Salam, thanks alone for attending the program. May be you could join to be one of the committee for next program =)

Anonymous said...

yeah gud b linked with the private company..s most malay didnt notice the scholarship given by our govt wasnt help much..the quota is 55-45..when pak lah said 55% to bumiputera n 45% goes to non-malay it was disaster to malays!why?cos in reality malays have to share the 55% with other bumis n ethnics...n at the end without we realise malay only get not half of that 55%..gradually d native i mean malays will loss our privileges..n we all cant uphold the concept of ketuanan melayu if we are the coolies of the others...malays r in danger but some of us still not aware n feel comfort....non-malay challenged our consti but still they r not been accused by the govt...we have to be aware from now..riot 13/5/69 will happen again if we malays not in the stage to b united.
my view s politic student hihi sori r pnjg lah plak..

Abu Yasir said...

Tq inani, always look at the economic perspective =)now could see from another view. If we dont grab this opportunity the non bumi's will take over all the big companies (as economic concern) and we'll be left behind in term of economy and in fact now we are already depending on them....

Anonymous said...

welcome.. InsyaAllah.. i'm looking forward to it..

btw, usamah nampak bersemangat betul masa berbincang dengan panel tu. hehe.

Anonymous said...

my pleasure..s u mentioned "when something should be ours and we dont even fight for it.." that is melayu now..fighting each other as if they did not come from the same bunch.. we the laymen could not see the "black box" :(

Abu Yasir said...

Alone; nampak makanan kt depan, kenela bersemangat.....